Vitamin D is the one essential vitamin that your body produces on its own when given enough sun exposure. However, for people living north of the San Francisco latitude, there is insufficient UVB exposure to make enough of this vitamin outside of the summer months. Certain foods do contain small quantities of vitamin D, though you would have to eat very large quantities of them to reach an optimal daily intake.
Once vitamin D is made, it is activated in the liver and kidneys and then acts as a steroid hormone throughout the body. It enhances absorption of calcium and phosphorus, promotes bone density, plays a role in nerve and muscular function, stimulates cell growth, modulates the immune system, and supports the release and activity of insulin.
So, aside helping to prevent osteoporosis and rickets, many researchers suggest vitamin D can be helpful in treating many conditions, including back pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, seasonal affective disorder, heart failure, chilblains, common colds and flu, cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, and diabetes.
What to do with all of this information? You and your provider may consider a blood draw to check your vitamin D levels. It may be appropriate to add in a daily vitamin D3 supplement. Whether you want to discuss it with your doctor or pick up a high-quality supplement, Emerge is here to help! Please call us at (360) 787-3615 if you’d like to book an appointment to discuss vitamin D3 with your doctor.